Here is our list of preferred professionals! Because we value our clients we have compiled this list as a resource for you when searching for a qualified professional. Those who are listed here have been rated highly by past clients that we have worked with and have highly-rated services. We welcome additional suggestions for this list as well as future feedback for those currently on this list.
*Please note that our organization and those affiliated with our organization are not liable for services provided by those listed here.
Title Agency Amy Long |
Lenders Brian Sweeney |
Home Inspection Jim Troth |
Home Warranty Tom Nichols |
Home Staging Brooke Lawrence |
Home Staging / Interior Design Mauro Segabinazzi |
Photography Jeff Quattro |
Home Repairs / Painting / Handyman Brock Dooley |
Put Speakman’s passion for Columbus’s beautiful urban neighborhoods, his tech and marketing skills, and his commitment to excellence to work for you in your real estate sale. Put his energy, enthusiasm, and extensive market knowledge to work on your purchase!